jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016


I have not been as my colleagues and I have done high school 4 years because it was hard and I had to repeat. But I have to say that these 4 years I have learned a lot, both in English and other subjects. It also led me to colleagues who have been super good and others not.

I remember my first blog writing was in first batxillerat. It was not a big text but for me it was fine level. It was a task we did in class was an essayopinion. I had serious underlying problems since I was hard but I did my best and today and start writing better than I did at first. I can now make a written in 45 minutes instead used to take an hour or more. The problems I had were leaving the 'S of the third person, wrote the phrase but I always left the subject. I have learned a lot of vocabulary from the first day of class. Above all keywords it depends on field referring to. The writings of now not all but most I have improved. Finally and put the subject, I try to always check the 'S of the third person and put in writing vocabulary words have to do.

Regarding my first oral presentation to the last I did much improved but always I become nervous and I lose points because the most important of presentation is capture listener’s attention. As much as I know the topic when presenting nerves attack me and then it costs me express myself. Another thing I do not have a good pronunciation but fine but the big problem I have is that I get nerves which start talking fast and sometimes people do not understand. I must say that thanks to a program I'm pronounced better.

Finally, I want to say that the pace of writing now which had at first been changed because now I can make writing faster than before. It depends on the subject but better safe. I have evolved very well about my first day and that makes me proud and makes me grow to learn more and better English. Should also like to thank the way to class. The blog seems a very heavy thing but it really is very good for your practice to better way of writing.

And thanks for this year has been great and I learned a lot especially when writing. I take some unforgettable moments.

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Emotional expression in music and speech share similar tonal properties


This news talks out the music as a strong emotional Communicator. The pint of view of this news, music is a very strong emotional Communicator and it said that there are diferent cultures and traditions have diferent emotional associations for diferent musical modes. It said that that nowadays, it’s possible shows  that tonal trends used to express feelings in music are consistent in diferent cultures and are very similar to those in speech.

Personal opinion:

From my point of view, I’m agree with this article, because I think that music is a big feeling that all person have it, we expresso ur feeling my music and evry culture in the world have their traditions and  costums to express their emotions. So, we can expresso ur feeling by musc and this is depending the site from we are.

Three Spanish journalists kidnapped 10 months ago in Syria freed


This news say that there are three journalist Spanish called Antonio pampliega, José Manuel Lopez and Angel Sastre have been  kidnapped 10 months ago in Aleppo, Syria. And according with the Spanish government they have been freed.
They were Freed because the Spanish authorities have already  sent a plane to faliciatte their return to Spain.

Personal opinion: 

Personally,  I think  that this three freelancers are courageus because as we know nowadays, in Syria is vey difficult stay alive. So, I think that the Spanish government did  a good intervention, he can overcome their life.

Fukushima contaminated lives

The first major virtual reality feature in Spanish media investigates how the 2011 Japanese tsunami changed the course of the country’s history


This news talk about Spanish Media investigates how the 2011 Japanese changed the course of the country’s  story. Mr toyotaka has been said that on March 11, 2011, he was finshing off his lunch after decorating the graduation hall of the local high school. Yhe magnitude-nine earthquake struck some 130 kilometres  off the coast.

Personal opinion:

I think that this is a good work to improve their hall of the local high school.

Last year in the high school

In this year I will finshid my bachillerat and it will be the last year in this high school. Really, in this local I spend bettersweet memories with my friends, paterners, teachers, etc.  This high school allows me know different cultures, traditions and of course it teach me more aspects that it will be useful on my future career life.


Street Antoni Agramunt,13
Castelló d’Empuries
Girona 17486
19th April 2016
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20500

Dear Soir President Barack Obama

I am writing to complain about the 17th article, The right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

Nowadays, after the economis crisis a lot of citizens suffer the terrible consequences. The bank foreclosure all the goods. The people liv on the streets or in sacks, and they have a lo of dificulties. They also have scarcity and include nourish and sanitary scarcity.
This fact happens in the developing and developed countries and we need to solve it.

These days the non-governmental Organization (NGO) do a lot of campaigns to collect food, clothes and Health products but this is not enough. And all the citizens have to help.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours Sincerely
Alexandra and Akotar. 

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Realx time

Relax time

I know that we are in the final on the traject, and we have to prepare ouselve to do a great exam, so,  this difficult moments need relaxation because we are very stressed and nervious. Now I always try to be relaxed with the things and exmas, beacause my goal is one, pass all the exams and my dreams come true.

I try to be fine. For more concentration and not fail for final exams . I only wish that God please help me and get everything you intended. 

I go to run to the beach not always because I have dificulties breathing. 

Just How Much Power Do Your Electronics Use When They Are ‘Off’?


This news talk about the difference between on and off. Nowadays it is so complicate becuase there are 50 devices and appliances in the typical American household are always power, even when they appeat to be off said by Alan Maier. 

Personal Opinion:

I think that this news is so important and very useful for us because our generate don’t know the differerce between on and off, we don’t appreciate this quality.

Key words:

What Do Consumers Want? Look at Their Selfies

 This news talk that Allison Sharagal evry day companies pay her to snap photos or helself engaging in routine activities as for eple; brushing her teath, eating breakfast, cleaning the bathroom, etc.
From my point of view, I am not agree with this article  because all person are free to do all the things that we  would like to do.

Ten hotels to rest mind and body

Spain offers the stressed-out a chance to recharge their batteries and learn some ancient techniques to deal with modern life

This news talk about  the ten hotels who  is the hospitaly  is above all spirtual things. It dedicate to oneself body and soul to making his or her sty as pleasent  an experience as possible.

I think that it’s very useful this staretegies to have an  harmony with the body and the mined. I think that we have to do it because Selectivitat it’s comming soon.

Thank you

I would like to thanks my family, especitally, my mom and day for their support, they make me feel optimist and with their help. Hearthanks to my teachers of all the subjects they teach me more things and they motivate me to carry on, especially thanks to my teacher Loreto, really with her class of latin and Greec I learn more, and I have different points of view of life. So, thanks to all the person that they give me all the things that I need.

Thank you, Gr'acies, Gracias, Shukran, Merci...


My point of view of love at first sight, I belive in love at first sight. Love is a big feeling that all people have it, we think that we will never fall in love at first sight, but, we have a bad though. When we found our love we don't think if is a first sight or not, we only love and we fell joyfully and happy with ourselves.

Personally, I think that love a first sight become a strong love in the future because when you love at first sight your heart promise your mind to keep loving this person. Well, love is a good think that we have in all the life, and isn'y matter if we love at first sight or not, the important thing is love truly and believe in this strong feeling. I think that we have to change our view of love at first sight, love can arrive when it well.  
I belived and I did not believe in love at first sight but when you know a person who transmitted something strong then say, yes. this is love.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2016



1. What are human rights?
2. When and why were they created?
3. How many human rights are there? Check out LIST OF HUMAN RIGHTS 
4. Which human right were you not familiar with?
Watch the video of the right you chose.  Make a list of new words you hear, if any. Think of an example where this human right is respected and where it is violated

article 4: matrimoni infantil 

Article 4.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
article 2/ 3 : nepal

Article 2.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016


Adam my soulmate is 25. He has brown eyes. He has long eyelashes. He has an oval face like me. Adam is taller than me only three cm. He has got short curly black hair. He has a strong and muscular complexion and broad shoulders. I love his lips. He is very attractive when he dresses up to go out with his family. He always wears a cap. 

Adam is a business man and He travels a lot. In summer He helps a poor people. I love this facet in his character. He speaks Arabic, French, English and little bit of Spanish. My proposite is teach for who speak better. When he is on holidays He always goes abroad, normally to mountain campsites. He makes friends quickly because he is a sociable person. but when he has a bad day he can be a horrible person. When I met him He cheers me up especially where depressed. I love my soulmate because he has a wonderful sense of humour. 

This person is good at games but he loves playing football. 

His only fault is that he can be quick-tempered but in five minutes he is happy again. I admire him because he is energetic and gives me his energy.  

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016



¡¡¡¡¡¡06/06/2016!!!!! It will be the first day of Ramadan. I think that if we have. 

So, I’m afraid because Ramadan it will start just with selectivity so that could be a problem for me because I'll not concentrate in the exams, as you know selectivity is so important for everyone so I hope that it will spend good.
When I learned that the selectivity is the week of June 11, my brain is direct thinking of Ramadan. I don't know why but only I hope that everything goes well for me and for all Muslims who will do the exam selectivity.



 This is a woman from French that had pending the adoption of a Haitian child. The reason is not known because the woman took the girl without even having completed the process of adoption.
One man said he had seen a person moving in a hand bag on the plane. Now this woman is still in the airport waiting for the judgment.


We don't know what is the reason that this woman take the baby. But I think is not legal and is a crime put a baby in the hand bag. 

Witness: testimoni.
Amiss: equivocat.
Row: Filera de l'avió.


Happy Valentine's Day

The Valentine's Day is an annual holiday it celebrated on February 14. Valentine's Day is recognized as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world, although isn't public holiday in any country. 

Valentine's Day in our religion isn't allowed. But there are some Muslims are celebrate it. In my house we celebrate it but not for the significant of Valentine's Day because is the birthday with my cousin and my mom. 

This picture is for me because all Valentine's day in my case is Single Day. 



Child with microcephalyThe world Health Organization has declared the Zika Virus is a public health emergency. 
This virus causes poor babies born with an underdeveloped brain. Now doctors ask women in these countries suspension their pregnancy.

This is a big problem for the country and for all the mums. I pray only for have a medecine for stop this virus.

Graphic showing babies' head sizeSurge: explosió
Rubella: rubeola
Disability: incapacitat, discapacitat



Marco Frigatti, Head of Records for Guinness World Records, left, presents Israel Kristal a certificate for being the oldest living man, in Haifa, IsraelKristal was born in 1903 an orthodox Jewish family, near Poland. Friday 11 March receives the Guinness award for being the oldest man in the world that has survived the Nazi Holocaust. In which 6.000 million Jewish died. 

Kristal lived a hard life since his first family died in the concentration camp of Auswitch. But then He moved to Israel with his second wife and continued its confectionery business. 

I think this man is lucky because at least he has been able to rebuild their lives not as others, like her first wife. But it is not easy to go through this bad era. 

Confectionary: confiteria. 
weigh: pesar 


Palestinian wins

Hanan Al HroubMiss Hroub is specialized in students traumatized by violence. Students worked with refugees near Bethlehem and now is responsible for resolving violence and tension with students.
Hanan al Horub grew up in a Palestinian refugee camp. Now is a great teacher, who has received an award from 1milion of dollar that has given the Francisco pope in ceremony in Dubai.

Glad to see news like this. Because we see improvements in the world for a few they are. Also it is good because the refugees kids can learn all of things that have failed to learn. 

Shape: forma
Discourage: disuadir
Pioneer: colonitzador

DIALOGUE:Nip and tuck


The Internet is the global system of interconnected mainframe.
Nowadays there are a lot of people who use the Internet even eldery people. The people use the social nnetworks like Facebook, Whatsap, Gm@ail,... It is easier now to acces the Internet. 
One advantage of the Internet is the young people who can do projects for their school and their homework. Another good aspect of the Internet is that people can practice a foreign languages to contact other people in other countries. It is also good because you make new friends around the world.
On the other hand, the Internet has negative consequences. Because some people become addicted to online games and forget their studies. Secondly, excessive Internet use can mean a burden for the parents. Because they are always on the computer. 
To sum up, I think the internet is good for the teenagers because it helps a lot, especially for projects, homework. It is also good because you can listen to songs, you can spend your time in videos.


Women, seen in silhouette, stand near Hauptbahnhof main railway station, in Cologne, Germany


This news talks about the last agression in cologne. There are 497 women alleging sexual assault. The suspect is a boy of 26 year-old algerian was arrested in Kerpen in a house of refugees in Cologne. 

Personal opinion:
It is scary for all there women who receive an assault because it is not nice to recieve an assault in New year's Eve. 

Now they have to wait for the claims of the judge. 

Key Words:
Shelter: Refugee
Spotlight: focused light
Spark: chispa


Nowadays, there are many wars in the world for example Siria, Afganistan and more countries arround the world.
There are a lot of children dying, because they haven't anything to eat, drink or wear. It's a big problem because in the countries there is no war the children any because in the morning their mothers have not made them the breakfast they wanted something similar and the other children are dying because they haven't good nutrition.
When I see this children on TV or on the Internet I cry because you see a baby or kids 5 years old shouting. 
I have one big goal which is finish my career and help giving them a smile that must need a hug or do anything to make them smile for a few minutes. 
The refugees now arriving in Greece, are children hoping to have a good life because in their country, they haven't been able to face the difficulties. 
I pray for these children to have a good life, to have peace not war in the world, for one awakening whithout shelling and finally for good nutrition.  