domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015
In this news a Turkish fly names F-16 aircraft shot down a Russian warplane. This incident happend near the Syrian border.
Vladimir Putin, minister of Russia, said that plane was not threatening Turkey and that it was doing its duy- flighting against the ISIS ISLAMIC STATE.
A Turkish commander said that its military warned the warplane the military shot down. This incident is now under investigation.
In this moment around the world is talk about ISIS, the extremist people who kill inocence people. I n this news we can see an incident in Syria but Turkey and Russia is involved.
Key words:
Threaten: to put in dannger= Amenaza
Border: frontier line= frontera
duty: something you must do= Obligación
In this news a Turkish fly names F-16 aircraft shot down a Russian warplane. This incident happend near the Syrian border.
Vladimir Putin, minister of Russia, said that plane was not threatening Turkey and that it was doing its duy- flighting against the ISIS ISLAMIC STATE.
A Turkish commander said that its military warned the warplane the military shot down. This incident is now under investigation.
In this moment around the world is talk about ISIS, the extremist people who kill inocence people. I n this news we can see an incident in Syria but Turkey and Russia is involved.
Key words:
Threaten: to put in dannger= Amenaza
Border: frontier line= frontera
duty: something you must do= Obligación
Train Passenger
In this news is a gir who counts as a man insulted her on the train. But there was a lady I leap to defend and then train all defended well until the man left. Ruhi Rahman is post in facebook all that has passed and amassed 600 shares. In this post she says thanks for all this people.
When I read this news I began to mourn, because in one day I can be. And maybe somone to defend me or not. And this is discrimination, but this man is not know nothing for her religion, for this reason he made a derogatory racial comment.
key words:
In this news is a gir who counts as a man insulted her on the train. But there was a lady I leap to defend and then train all defended well until the man left. Ruhi Rahman is post in facebook all that has passed and amassed 600 shares. In this post she says thanks for all this people.
When I read this news I began to mourn, because in one day I can be. And maybe somone to defend me or not. And this is discrimination, but this man is not know nothing for her religion, for this reason he made a derogatory racial comment.
This news is not good, because many people have died. It is from Bamako, is the capital of Mali.
Islamic estremists attack a hootel in Bamako. they kill and hurt many inocence peoples.
the extremists take hostages. some people they have run away. Others say words from the Koran and the extremist let them go.
Extremists kill inocent people also childrens. The worst is that kill in the name of allah. I'm muslim but in my religion is not said that. Is a big lie, but some people do not understand.
Key words:
Hostage: when people keep a person as a prisioner.
Extremist: A person who did extremely bad things, like change the religion.
This news is not good, because many people have died. It is from Bamako, is the capital of Mali.
Islamic estremists attack a hootel in Bamako. they kill and hurt many inocence peoples.
the extremists take hostages. some people they have run away. Others say words from the Koran and the extremist let them go.
Extremists kill inocent people also childrens. The worst is that kill in the name of allah. I'm muslim but in my religion is not said that. Is a big lie, but some people do not understand.
Key words:
Hostage: when people keep a person as a prisioner.
Extremist: A person who did extremely bad things, like change the religion.
In this news we can see the national day of Chocolate. Chocolate have a lot of benefits, is nutritive. Most people not eat a lot of chocolate because they say fattening.
It has many benefits the first is have in the brain. Loma Linda make one study and it has come to the conclusion that when you eat a chocolate your brain it works best and you can concentraed better.
another benefits is the chocolate hel fight the diabetes.
My opinion is good have a national day for chocolate, because have a lot of benefits that I talk.
Key Word:
Deny:is not true= Negar
Craving: desire for specific food.=antojo
In this news we can see the national day of Chocolate. Chocolate have a lot of benefits, is nutritive. Most people not eat a lot of chocolate because they say fattening.
It has many benefits the first is have in the brain. Loma Linda make one study and it has come to the conclusion that when you eat a chocolate your brain it works best and you can concentraed better.
another benefits is the chocolate hel fight the diabetes.
My opinion is good have a national day for chocolate, because have a lot of benefits that I talk.
Key Word:
Deny:is not true= Negar
Craving: desire for specific food.=antojo
The fisrt attack happens at 9:30p.m. on Friday. It happens In Saint-Denis, near the stadium. The stadium is in the north of French.
An our later, there are two shootings. One of this shootings is happen in Bataclan bar. The second happens at restaurant. In this shooting kill fourteen people.
The finall attack happens at 11p.m.. Four gunmen enter at the concert hall. There are a lot of people in the concert, the gunman start shooting and kill more than 80 people.
My opinion of this news I can said only I'm sorry to all the families of the victimes. Because this extremist group kill all this person in the name of Allah. But all of this is a lie because my religion is not said that, unlike is said we have to the peace and more.
Key words:
shooting: shoots people
gunman: a man with a gun who commit a crime.
unlike: contrary
The fisrt attack happens at 9:30p.m. on Friday. It happens In Saint-Denis, near the stadium. The stadium is in the north of French.
An our later, there are two shootings. One of this shootings is happen in Bataclan bar. The second happens at restaurant. In this shooting kill fourteen people.
The finall attack happens at 11p.m.. Four gunmen enter at the concert hall. There are a lot of people in the concert, the gunman start shooting and kill more than 80 people.
My opinion of this news I can said only I'm sorry to all the families of the victimes. Because this extremist group kill all this person in the name of Allah. But all of this is a lie because my religion is not said that, unlike is said we have to the peace and more.
Key words:
gunman: a man with a gun who commit a crime.
unlike: contrary
We see the smiling face of Layla Richards, baby girl who have Leukemia. When the doctor says our parents all the treatments for her leuakemia had failed and she was going to die. The doctros and her familiy is make a decision that being given an experimental therapy that had been tried only in mouse.
Now Layla Richards has leukaekmia and is alive. Is a big miracle.
I think the medecine now is advancing a lot, here we can see one example. How one girl can die now is alive and she can make her life like other childrens.
Key words:

tiny: very small= Pequeño
stuff: (informal) things= cosas
disrupt: make stop= interrumpir
We see the smiling face of Layla Richards, baby girl who have Leukemia. When the doctor says our parents all the treatments for her leuakemia had failed and she was going to die. The doctros and her familiy is make a decision that being given an experimental therapy that had been tried only in mouse.
Now Layla Richards has leukaekmia and is alive. Is a big miracle.
I think the medecine now is advancing a lot, here we can see one example. How one girl can die now is alive and she can make her life like other childrens.
Key words:
tiny: very small= Pequeño
stuff: (informal) things= cosas
disrupt: make stop= interrumpir
One big a power blackout in Crimea paralyzed the place. Only the essential services and the government work in Crimea after two key electricity pylons are derived in Ukraine. This fact has an important economic impact because most two million of people in Crimea affected this and also have problems with water. The relation between Crimea and Ukraine isn’t good after that Crimea annexed by Russia. The blackout is produced for shelling or the use of explosive devices. The blackouts also affect to the commercial and the border acts.Finally, Russia has started laying undersea cables to connect Crimea to its power grid.
In my opinion the action of Ukraine is very egoist because didn’t think in the citizen of Crimea. But also think in the territorial problems. During the time that this territorial problem during the citizen are the victims.
One big a power blackout in Crimea paralyzed the place. Only the essential services and the government work in Crimea after two key electricity pylons are derived in Ukraine. This fact has an important economic impact because most two million of people in Crimea affected this and also have problems with water. The relation between Crimea and Ukraine isn’t good after that Crimea annexed by Russia. The blackout is produced for shelling or the use of explosive devices. The blackouts also affect to the commercial and the border acts.Finally, Russia has started laying undersea cables to connect Crimea to its power grid.
In my opinion the action of Ukraine is very egoist because didn’t think in the citizen of Crimea. But also think in the territorial problems. During the time that this territorial problem during the citizen are the victims.
One big a power blackout in Crimea paralyzed the place. Only the essential services and the government work in Crimea after two key electricity pylons are derived in Ukraine. This fact has an important economic impact because most two million of people in Crimea affected this and also have problems with water. The relation between Crimea and Ukraine isn’t good after that Crimea annexed by Russia. The blackout is produced for shelling or the use of explosive devices. The blackouts also affect to the commercial and the border acts.Finally, Russia has started laying undersea cables to connect Crimea to its power grid.
In my opinion the action of Ukraine is very egoist because didn’t think in the citizen of Crimea. But also think in the territorial problems. During the time that this territorial problem during the citizen are the victims.
In my presentation use the prezi, because is a program to make a good presentations, because you can upload images, videos, music... Mostly of my classmates in the paper evaluation the comments are good presentation. I'm talking during approximatley 3 minutes, but my problem is I talk very quick.
The body language and the eye contact is the mis important in one presentatin, but I have a problem I'm insecure when I talk and I looked the blackboard but once in a qhile I have a small eye contact. Although I'm preparing the presentation and memorize then I 'm getting NERVOUS.
In my oral presentation fisrt I presented which topic I choose, why,.. And then how i divided the presentation. First explain what is humour?, differents types of humour, great comedians, humour programs, youtube fun and the examples. I thing the structure I make good because I began with the introduction and was end with the conclution.
The content about my presentation is rightful because I extract this information in webs for example dictionarys, wikipedia and webs talks about the topic. Also I reduce the content all because the minimum of presentation are 10'.
I think I used the suitable language for this topic and for classmate understand. Is a language for high-level. Because my leves is not B2.
My pronunciation is not bad, but I have a effort for pass my english and for the others understand me.
I need to improve my body language because is not good turn your back when you explain one topic you choose and you know it. Also I need improve my pronunciation and try not to read. And the most important thing is control my insecurity and my NERVOUS.
In my presentation use the prezi, because is a program to make a good presentations, because you can upload images, videos, music... Mostly of my classmates in the paper evaluation the comments are good presentation. I'm talking during approximatley 3 minutes, but my problem is I talk very quick.
The body language and the eye contact is the mis important in one presentatin, but I have a problem I'm insecure when I talk and I looked the blackboard but once in a qhile I have a small eye contact. Although I'm preparing the presentation and memorize then I 'm getting NERVOUS.
In my oral presentation fisrt I presented which topic I choose, why,.. And then how i divided the presentation. First explain what is humour?, differents types of humour, great comedians, humour programs, youtube fun and the examples. I thing the structure I make good because I began with the introduction and was end with the conclution.
The content about my presentation is rightful because I extract this information in webs for example dictionarys, wikipedia and webs talks about the topic. Also I reduce the content all because the minimum of presentation are 10'.
I think I used the suitable language for this topic and for classmate understand. Is a language for high-level. Because my leves is not B2.
My pronunciation is not bad, but I have a effort for pass my english and for the others understand me.
I need to improve my body language because is not good turn your back when you explain one topic you choose and you know it. Also I need improve my pronunciation and try not to read. And the most important thing is control my insecurity and my NERVOUS.
There are a student and a teacher, the teacher says:
-John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
And John says:
-You told me to do it without using tables.
There are a student and a teacher, the teacher says:
-John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
And John says:
-You told me to do it without using tables.
sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015
Humour is the faculty of perceving whats is amusing, funny or comical. humour lightens you, inspires hope, connects you to anonymous people. It is good to have a very funny person in our life. Humour is necessary to live. You can't live with one person who wouldn't live life.
Fisrt of all, Humour is esential for life, humor binds people, because when you laugh your muscles are relaxing. besides, when you laugh you relax your whole body and is good for you ti feel it. When you are sad and a person who is funny comes, this person makes an effort so that you smile and laugh. Humour is a big key to forget all the problems, when we are overwhelmed.
Secondly, it is priceless when you see a little child smiling, is ignorance. Moreover, laughter enables bonds, when you smile is ALL.
Finally, if you don't smile, you should to laugh, smile... And make sure you transmit happiness to all and exclusively to poor children.
My name is Kautar, I'm 19 years old and I am from Morocco but I was born in figueres. I live in castelló d'empúries. And you know I repeat second if batxillerat becaues I don't get good marks. But I like this idea because when you repeat your mistakes you learn a lot. My hobbies are watching mysterious films, playing a lot with my cousins and enjoying nature. Also I love cooking.
I will tell yore my short team goals. My first goal is to finish second batxillerat to do a degree. And my second short-term goal is go to the car exam, to take the car license. The economy situation in my house is bad for this reason I can't go to the car exam. therfore I'm focused in my goals and I will try to make them true.
I have a lot of long-term goals. The fisrt is facing my challenges, going to the university and specialize in education. The second goal is leaving this country because here I don't have good experiences and i can find more experiences abroad.
"I will try to make all my efforts to achieve my goals."
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